“What are those for?” Jeff asked, gesturing toward a wall that was brick for the first three feet up from the floor before opening onto two large spaces that went back five feet to the exterior wall.
“According to Dad, the bins that used to be there were for storing coal in. He changed out to a gas furnace right after they bought the house, then had concrete poured to fill the bins. After that, he used the space for storage.”
Spence laughed. “The house was built in 1925, if I remember correctly. Back then, it was coal or nothing. The people Dad bought it from kept the old furnace and had coal delivered every week, I think he said.”
“Is there anything else you’d like to see?” Mrs. Brown asked when they were upstairs again
“I don’t think so. We looked at the yard last night. Thank you for showing us around.”
“You’re welcome,” she replied. “Are you interested in buying the house or was this merely a trip down memory lane?” She smiled at Spence.