Chapter 38


Spence’s phone vibrated. When he answered, Detective Dean told him her man was on the way over. “His name is Nate Conley.”

“Okay. Thanks.” Hanging up, he relayed the news to Gregg, then shut down his laptop.

The police technician arrived a few minutes later, carrying a large toolkit inscribed with the phone company’s logo, as was the truck that he’d parked in the driveway. After introducing himself, and showing Spence his ID, he set to work installing covert cameras and listening devices throughout the house. When he had finished, and had tested everything, he left. By then it was almost two in the afternoon.

“Now, we wait,” Spence said.

“Then go back to your book while I work on my column,” Gregg suggested.

“How can you do that without a computer?” Spence asked.