Chapter 11

After the usual “How’ve you been?” and “Guys, listen to this,” conversation starters, Austin casually said, “You guys ever hear of Pastafarianism?”

Sergei shrugged. “I think I have. Isn’t that the made-up religion that worships a spaghetti monster to prove how weird beliefs in other religions are?”

“Hey, all religions were made up at some point, if you think about it, even if that religion’s God is the one who made it up,” Austin said. “Plus, the Pastafarian afterlife has a Beer Volcano and a Stripper Factory.”

“A Stripper Factory?” CJ asked with wide eyes.

“Do they make male and female strippers?” Micha inquired.

Austin shrugged. “It’s a Stripper Factory, so I’m guessing they can make strippers of any configuration.”

“Even strippers with, like…four boobs and tiger stripes?”

“I’m kinda worried about what your fetishes are, but I guess you could custom order one like that, yeah.”