“No time like the present,” he said out loud. “Come on, Bunny. You’re going to sit outside for a few minutes. Bark if you need anything.”
With Bunny safely in the backyard where she couldn’t interrupt anything, Austin got comfy on the bed, took off his pants, and set up his laptop. He went to his usual go-to free gay porn site and searched for the most popular videos. To his amusement, one of the top five was titled Boot Camp Butt Cadets. He clicked it for a laugh, since it sounded corny as hell but he had been thinking about someone in the military. That laughing was quickly silenced when he saw the preview image.
Whoever the top was, the resemblance between him and Neil was uncanny. It could have been the military haircut, could have been the quality of the image being similar enough to the resolution of a Skype chat video, could have been because Neil was someone Austin had thought of recently, but it was something he couldn’t unsee.