Chapter 32

“Fine,” he said, slumping his shoulders in defeat. “I want you to know that I’m not agreeing to this because I’m giving up on us. I will happily come home the minute you call me. Let the record show that this was your idea. If time apart is what we need to survive as a couple, well, so be it.”

Erika clenched her jaw. “Fourteen minutes.”

Austin threw a few changes of clothes and his toiletries into their only proper suitcase, then put what he needed for work into his backpack. The whole time he wondered about where he would go. He certainly wasn’t going to stay with Neil. He had complicated their friendship enough, and he didn’t want Erika thinking Neil was the person he would rather be with. He sent out a group message to his other friends asking for a place to crash that night. For all he knew, Erika would wake up the next morning, realize she had blown things out of proportion, and invite him home in time for breakfast.