Chapter 5

“Cheese fries for you,” said Marissa, plopping down a plate of gooey, crispy fries, “And a raspberry shake for me.” She sucked on her straw. “God, that tastes like heaven.”

“We should be studying,” Ryan reminded her, dropping a handful of dripping French fries into his mouth. He licked the ketchup from his fingers. “Midterms are next week, Marissa.”

“La la la la lah!Not hearing you,” Marissa said, holding her hands over her ears. “So not interested. I know midterms are next week, and I already know I’m going to fail Biology of the Seed.” She sucked on her shake, then moved the long and glossy hair to the side of her face. Her brown hair had turned redder since college, and Ryan wondered if she was tinting it.

“You always say you’re going to fail,” said Ryan, “And yet you still ended up valedictorian of our class.”