“No problem,” said Erik. “We’ll just use Barb’s car.” And like that, he stepped back inside and yelled, “Hey, Barb? I’m taking the car to the store. I’ll be back in an hour.”
“Who’s Barb?” asked Ryan. “Is that one of your housemates?”
“Actually, she’s my mother,” said Erik, smiling weirdly. “My host mother—I live with a host family. I didn’t know they were going to be around, because of the storm?”
Ryan said nothing—but this changed everything. How was he supposed to have sex with Erik tonight if they were staying at some family’s house? That was way too awkward.
Erik drove two blocks, then pulled the car over. He left the engine running, but kept a foot on the brake, then leaned over and kissed Ryan on the lips.
“There,” said Erik. “I’ve been wanting to do that from the minute I saw you at my door.”