Chapter 6

A lump formed in Jonathan’s throat when he thought of how much he had looked forward to showing Kyle off to his parents the next weekend, how thrilled he was with having his family of origin meet his family of the future.

And now all that was gone.

He wanted simply to hang up the phone.

His mother had always been perceptive, able to read him when he had no idea anyone could see inside him. She took a breath and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Jonathan tried to laugh, but it came out lame. “Wrong? Who said anything was wrong?”

“Your silence. Your false cheerfulness. A mother knows.”

Kyle wanted to cry, but again, held it back. Besides, he didn’t know if he had any tears left after the crying jag he had just been on. He was so grateful to his mom for knowing, for being there for him when she didn’t even know he needed her. Hell, when hedidn’t even realize he needed her.

“Kyle broke up with me.” He drew in a quivering breath, holding back the tears.