Chapter 5

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I bet I’ve shocked you. I’m not that bad, you know. There are times when I can be a decent human being, and a friendly one, too.

I know you want me to admit I like the guy so yes, I like him. I’m not a hypocrite and I would never say I’m back only because I feel sorry for him. I’m not that good, not even during Christmas. Well, of course I feel sorry for him, but the main reason I’m here is there’s something I like about him and I want to…help him. It’s Christmas Eve, for fuck’s sake, and I don’t like the idea of this guy sitting on the street, in the cold, all alone.

And the moment he looked up at me, the way his eyes lit up, well…it was worth it. I guess he hasn’t been homeless long. The way he declined my invitation, showing me his money for me to understand he couldn’t pay, is typical of those who are not accustomed to relying on other people or ask for help. I wonder what his story is.