Chapter 6

When Stone entered the book store, he couldn’t help being scrutinized by Tender’s two kitties, Blackie and Whitey. The felines spun around his feet, snapped the tips of their tails, mewed a few times, and approved of him as a well-liked and regular paperback shopper. Although Tender wanted to show her adorable felines for monetary prizes, another business adventure in the young woman’s life, she couldn’t. Blackie and Whitey were exceptionally beautiful British Shorthairs with mundane coats, odd-shaped heads, and a few paws with six toes. Because of these impurrfections, as Stone called them, the furry duo lived in the bookstore with Tender, their happy clients, many books to choose from for reading pleasure, and two sandboxes that were well-kept, always scooped out on a regular basis.