Chapter 9

He sighed when he recalled Lance’s annoyed tone. He knew Lance had been understanding throughout the various aspects of Adam’s life as a toy store owner, but he had missed out on the twins’ bedtime again last night. They had agreed that no matter how busy they were, they would always make time for the children. The guilt was eating him up inside because he’d been spending little time at home with both Nathan and Holly.

Not only was he currently stressing out at work, but stewing with sexual frustrations. An angry and disappointed Lance meant no sex at all. They had cuddled in bed every evening and had fallen asleep in more or less the same position, but Adam yearned for their natural intimacy. Unfortunately, they had done nothing more than trade passionate kisses, which inflamed his desire even more. Moreover, Lance had to wake up early every day and get the twins ready for preschool before they would leave together. Adam was about ready to explode.