I called out to him from the cot, “Is the boat on the shore?”
“It is,” he said from the living room. Noah brought me my clothes. He checked me out from head to toe. “You don’t have to get dressed on my account. I like a man in his underwear.”
I ignored him and grabbed my jeans from the pile in his arms. “Kane transports the marijuana in black bags by using the boat and van. I think he has clients all along the coast of Lake Erie.”
“We figured as much,” Noah said, referring to his team. As he watched me slip one leg into the jeans, then the other leg, he said, “Channing Police have been closely watching him for a few weeks now. We were just waiting for the right time to make a move. Unfortunately, you got in the way.”
“Typical for my life.” I reached for my T-shirt and flannel shirt from Noah, but he wouldn’t give them to me.
“Kiss me, and I’ll give you your clothes. What do you say?”
So I kissed him: long, hard, with passion.