“How much time do you have?” asked Jared, worried Shai was going to rush off again, as he seemed wont to do.
“My uncle’s not in the office today. He took a half-day off for Hanukkah stuff with his kids, but I’m supposed to be working.”
“Play hooky with me,” said Jared with a mischievous grin. “I want to take you somewhere.”
“Surprise. My favorite place in all New York!” said Jared excitedly. “Do it, do it. Do something naughty, just for once in your life.”
Shai rolled his eyes but relented, flinging his black scarf over one shoulder in a devil-may-care fashion and standing, ready to march.
They walked eleven blocks north and entered the giant glass doors of New York’s Museum of Modern Art. They checked their bags and coats, then Jared led Shai up the stairs.
“This is my temple,” he said, using a hushed voice. “This is where I find peace and where I come if I need to feel religious.”