Shai looked around again, as if afraid someone was going to see them, but nobody was paying attention. The gathering crowds of Catholics were focusing on the musical performance and chatting in low voices. In a way, Shai and Jared were practically invisible. For fifteen minutes, the two Jewish men sat in the pew of the side chapel and listened to the music. Shai checked his watch a few times, but Jared shot him a look, and he finally sat back and let the music pour over him.
Together, they craned their necks heavenward, gazing at the high gothic arches, the magnificent architecture, and the simple grace that surrounded them.
Finally, Shai spoke. “I agree this is a beautiful thing—this church, the music, even the people. Look how peaceful they look.”
“I know. Do you ever wonder if people find the same peace in their religion that you find in yours?”