Chapter 22

“Mom, he’s not used to this—your flirting and joking—so can you just treat him normal?” Jared was getting anxious and upset, so Shai intervened.

“It’s fine, Jared. I’m fine. Sharon, this wine is lovely, really wonderful. What is it?”

“Don’t worry, it’s kosher. Jared made sure of it! I got it from my friend’s shop up in Hackensak. It’s from Argentina. Pretty good, no?”

“Superb,” said Shai.

Scented clouds of steam wafted in from the kitchen while pots simmered on the stove, but Jared’s mom stood silent and pensive—she had dinner under control. Now she was focused on this new man in her apartment, the object of her only son’s affections.

“So you like wine?” she asked, raising her eyebrows. She took a sip from her own glass, then set it down and wiped her hands on her apron.

“As much as anybody else, I guess,” said Shai, who seemed to be wondering if it was a trick question. “Normally we just drink it with Sabbath dinner, or for celebrations.”