Chapter 27

“No. It feels wonderful.”

“Exactly, hot stuff. And you are wonderful.”

They kissed once more, right as there came a knock.

“Boys!” cried Jared’s mother through the door, respecting their privacy. “Don’t mean to interrupt, but if you want to catch the nine o’clock train, you gotta run!”

“Ugh,” groaned Shai. “I wish we could just stay right here, like this.”

“I’m sure my mom wouldn’t mind,” said Jared, intrigued by the idea.

“Oh, my parents would.” Shai got up and smoothed his clothes, then opened the door.

Jared’s mother stood outside. “We’ll do your reading another time?”

“Sure, I’d love that.” Shai suddenly looked bothered and anxious, as if all the joy in his life had been slammed away from him.

“But before you go, I want to give you something,” she said, leading them to the front of the apartment. She opened a small drawer and rifled through the objects, then placed a small rock in Shai’s hand.