The volunteer said information had been sketchy as to what was wrong and the caller’s phone had apparently died before he’d finished the call. All they had to go on was a frightened voice calling in a broken SOS and a general location. Everyone knew without it being said that GPS was notoriously unreliable at times.
Dylan took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’ll go. Anybody got a map I can use to plot a route, a good topographic map that shows the terrain?”
Someone produced one. He securely hitched his sled and went inside the cabin to spread it out and figure which way he’d go. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, maybe a big needle in a small stack, but still no easy task. He checked his own compass and GPS unit, snacked the dogs, then headed out. Thor and Freya looked askance at him, as if sensing they were leaving the trail and the route the other teams were taking.