Chapter 14

When he saw the stress and weariness marking the big man’s features, Grey’s heart clenched.Damn, I put him through a hell of an ordeal. What an asshole he must think I am. And he’s right. Talk about a spoiled rich kid who didn’t have a thought for anyone but himself and his own plans. From here on out, that’s got to change.

Dylan had managed to get out of his parka. It lay on the floor to one side of his chair, the side opposite the stove. Grey checked the fire and added another chunk of wood. Then he looked for a blanket or something to throw over Dylan. Maybe it wasn’t really cold, but it felt mighty chilly and he’d read that people’s temperatures often dropped when they slept.

He went to the bedroom and pulled a Hudson Bay striped blanket off the bed. Dylan mumbled something as Grey spread the blanket over him, but did not wake up.