At the end of the hall, Rain appeared. “Wait.” But he disappeared again.
But he couldn’t wait. Milo would be here soon and Tristan wasn’t in the mood to come face to face with him. In the last month, Milo had skipped picking Philip up twice. He was less and less invested emotionally, but hadn’t signed the divorce papers yet. Every time Rain tried talking to him, Milo would say that he was seeing his therapist and understanding things about himself.
That was all good and fine, but what about Rain and Philip in all of this? Rain deserved to know where he stood.
“I really gotta go.” Tristan bent to Philip and kissed his dark blond hair. “See you later. Have fun.” He opened the front door and a gust of cold wind blew his hair back. December was brutal this year. They’d already gotten their first snow storm. “Don’t stand there in your bare feet,” he said, looking over at Pip with a stern expression. “And please, for the love of God, can you get dressed before your dad shows up?”