“Okay. I’ll, umm, talk to you two later. Or pass on anything I find out through Sage,” Mike said before taking his leave.
“He believed us,” Jon said with a sense of relief.
“I don’t think he had a choice, after he accepted you and Brody were here. The things you told him were not anything I could have known or found out on my own. Ergo, he knew I wasn’t trying to scam him, or…” Sage sighed.
“Or what?” Brody asked.
Jon smiled knowingly. “You like him.”
“Yeah, I do. Not that it’ll do me any good. He sees me as the strange man who lives across the courtyard from him. Nothing more. Hell, for all I know, he’s straight.”
Jon glanced at Brody.
“You’re asking me?” Brody said.
“Uh-huh. You know him.” Jon grinned. “By the way, are you straight?”