“I heard you guys were capable of some serious data skills, but that was awesome!” Beaming, he tore his eyes away from the desk and looked up at his alpha. “Can all SdAIs do that, or are you special?”
While Virgil had perfect posture to begin with, he seemed to straighten even further with the question. “All of us are capable of data manipulation, but I confess my skills as somewhat above average.”
Travis grinned. “No false modesty among you lot, is there?”
“Not really.” Travis cheeks heated a little when Awanyu spoke. He had just about forgotten she was there. “Some have it programmed into their personalities, but not Virgil.”
“You don’t have that programmed either?”
Virgil shook his head, dark hair spilt over broad shoulders with the motion. “No, because I forewent having a constructed personality included in my make-up.” The wry grin couldn’t be mistaken for anything else. “I was not expecting an organically evolving one to be quite so difficult.”