Chapter 11

“I hope you’re washing your hands after touching that.”

Virgil stood and deliberately ignored the quip as Travis approached. “What did she tell you?”

“The usual story.” Travis scowled. “She loves him, found out he was sleeping with someone else. Gave him a bad batch of whatever thatis. When he didn’t drop fast enough, she split his skull open with a rock.”

That was not the story she recounted for emergency dispatch. Impressive. “She gave him Scarlett. Too pure a dose.”

“That’s a hard way to go,” Travis said.

“Yes, however, based on the size and placement of the head wound, he was dead before the drug could kill him.” The dead man was lucky. Scarlett, when given at the concentration he took, was enough to liquefy the intestines and have the user vomiting them up like a volcano under pressure. Nasty way to go.

“So, murder after all, either way.” Travis waved their patrol officer over. “Secure the scene and we’ll place a call for a team. Wait for them.”