It gave him time to collect himself, too, and he was grateful. Seeing that was…He floundered when the image flashed through his mind. He doubted he would ever forget this, no matter how long he lived.
No doubt catching the oppressive scent of Travis’ distress, Virgil reeled him closer, and squeezed the nape of his neck a fraction tighter. Travis pulled the newly familiar scent of his alpha deep into his lungs, doing his best to drown out the smell of blood that saturated the bone-dry desert air. Minutes crawled by in a sea of alpha-induced grounding before Travis noted the sounds of the techs as they chattered about measurements and sample containers behind him.
Another minute to wallow in Virgil’s calm presence, then Travis subtly nodded and his partner released him at once. “Better?” Virgil murmured.
“Yeah.” He cleared his throat and looked up at Virgil. “Thanks.”