“If we could get an appointment, we wouldn’t need to bring him to the precinct!” Travis snarled once they left Faolan’s office. Though he dared not mention it to his omega, Virgil was of the opinion that Travis was better off letting Virgil snarl like that. It twisted his angelic face into something comical instead of fearsome.
“Maybe we need better cause for the captain to grant our request?”
“Hayden Mitchell would know, but talking to him was awful the last time.” Travis pursed his lips and focused on a point behind Virgil’s shoulder.
Virgil lacked enthusiasm for the task, as well. For all his ability to decode even the most scrambled or degraded communications, the torrential outpour of Hayden’s grief made the other alpha nigh unintelligible last time. “Jackson’s mate knew him best though. Maybe he told Hayden something that could sway Faolan to grant the questioning of Boone.”
“I know, but damn. I don’t like rubbing salt into the wounds.”