Chapter 17

Sure, he went home. Virgil left to wherever he went for down time, but Travis went back to his small apartment and only pored over his notes some more, on the hunt for answers, clues, anything, well into the night. After, in the small hours of the morning, he crashed into a fitful doze right there on the couch, only to jerk awake before the alarm went off. It was more from unease than anything. He hadn’t slept deep enough for nightmares since that first omega murder.

Travis wasn’t sure he wanted to.

* * * *

“There has been another murder.”

Travis straightened up in his chair, back protesting after being slumped so long over the paperwork scattered across the desk. “Where’s it at?”

“The Convention Center,” Virgil answered, already up and gathering his badge and weapon. “Downtown units had a call come in from one of the Center’s staff. Body was found in the middle of the stage.”