Chapter 4

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When Spencer woke up some time later, he realized they were on the third Die Hardmovie and he was cuddled up on the couch next to Max. In fact, Max lay lengthwise on the couch, his legs spread wide, and Spencer lay between them, his head resting on Max’s shoulder.

Spencer glanced up to see Max’s eyes were open and watching the movie. “Sorry, guess I fell asleep.” He struggled to free himself of the too intimate position.

“Shh, the best part’s coming up.” Max held him close.

Spencer smiled and closed his eyes. It wasn’t the first time they’d ended up this way. They were very good friends, comfortable with each other. It just never went further than this.

In the background he could hear gunfire and explosions and knew Bruce Willis was kicking butt. So what if he didn’t get to watch the movies he wanted. This was nice, too.

“You working tomorrow?” Max asked after a while.

“No. Got a rehearsal in the afternoon though.”