Ch1 ) Enter Naruto Uzumaki

6 Years Later

It was a beautiful day in Konoha. The trees were green, the village was quiet. Not a sound could be heard. Naruto Uzumaki can be seen running from some Chunin Level ninja with a bucket of paint, laughing at the fact that they can't catch him. "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha."

"Naruto get back here. You've really crossed the line this time," one of the Chunin shouted at the boy, continuing to chase him all over the place.

"Give it up! You're just jealous cause you don't have the guts to do what I did. Ha, losers, wannabes. You'll never catch me."

With The Hokage

The Hokage was in his room painting a symbol on a scroll, when a random ninja popped in. "Lord Hokage!" He shouted, grabbing the old man's attention.

"I hope you're not bothering me with some trivia, and don't tell me it's Naruto again," the somewhat grumpy Hokage replied.

"It is Naruto again. He climbed up the great stone monument, and put graffiti all over the Hokage," the ninja informed.

Back with Naruto

Naruto continues to bounce up and down the walls of the buildings, evading capture. He quickly runs down the street, allowing them to follow after him. Unknown to them though, Naruto was hiding behind a cloth that was designed to look like the fence. Once they're gone, he pulls down the cloth, and continues to laugh at their lack of skill. "Ha, ha, ha. That was too easy!"

"Oh yeah Naruto!" Some scared faced ninja shouted, announcing his presence behind the boy.

"Ahh! Where'd you come from Iruka-Sensei? What are you doing here?" Naruto accused, turning around after he fell on his butt. Was that too much?

"No! What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be in class!"

Academy Classroom

Naruto is currently tied up in the center of the class, being scolded by Iruka-Sensei.

"I'm at the end of my rope here Naruto." (A/N: Pun intended) "You failed the graduation test last time, and the time before that. Now you have another chance. And you're messing up again!"

Naruto grunted in fake indignation. That was on purpose, he replies in his head.

Iruka's eye started twitching in irritation. "But because you missed it Naruto. Everyone will review the transformation Jutsu!"

A series of aw mans and groans were heard throughout the classroom.

Time skip

"Alright, Sakura here. Let's do it! Transform," the pinkette declared. A poof was heard, and in her place was a copy of Iruka.

"Transform into me... good," the teacher says, writing something on his notepad.

"I did it. I did it! Sasuke did you see that," Sakura says, turning to her crush. The boy in question chose to ignore her. Rejected, she walked back to her place in line.

"Next, Sasuke Uchiha," Iruka announced.

Sasuke, who doesn't even say anything, transforms almost perfectly. The height of the transformation was off by a few inches.


"This is a total waste of time Naruto!" A boy with a pineapple haircut says, from his spot to the right of the blond.

"Yeah. We always have to pay for your screw ups!" A second student, this one being a girl with platinum blonde hair continues, following up on the boy's statement.

"Like I care!" Naruto replied to their whining, pretending to actually be bothered by what they were saying.

"Next, Naruto Uzumaki!"

"Should I give them a surprise Kurama?" He asked the Fox using his mental connection with the Demon.

"Yes. It'll be hilarious seeing their reactions." Kurama laughs already thinking about it.

"Transform!" Naruto transforms into Iruka, Perfectly, shocking the entire class. "Bet you weren't expecting that, were you!?" He says with a smirk on his face.

He did it perfectly, even better than the Uchiha. "Good job Naruto, PERFECT SCORE!" Smiling, Iruka placed a 100 by his blond student's name.

Hokage Monument

"You're not going home until you've cleaned off every drop of paint!" Iruka yelled from his spot above where the boy was suspended in the air with rope.

Naruto stopped washing the paint, and glared at his teacher. "Like I care. It's not like there's anybody at home waiting for me!"

Iruka felt empathy for Naruto's present situation. It was a lot like his childhood. Maybe he should reward him with some Raman, Iruka mused. To congratulate him for acing the transformation Jutsu. "Hey Naruto!"

Naruto stopped his cleaning once more. "Hmm? What do you want now, Sensei!?" The boy asks with a fake scowl on his face.

"I was thinking. Maybe after you're done, we could go out for some Ramen. The good stuff, what do you think?"

"I'll have this done in no time then!" The boy was actually excited. Even though he ate healthier now. Ramen was still his favorite food.

Ichiraku Ramen

"Naruto, why would you do that to the Hokage Faces. I mean you Know who the Hokage are? Don't you?" The scared Chunin asked the boy, who was hungrily scarfing down noodles.

"Of course I do. They were the best Shinobi of their time right. Best of the best, undefeated ninja champs. And the fourth Hokage is the one who saved the village from the Nine Tailed Fox." By sealing it in him, Naruto added as an afterthought. "He was the most amazing!"

"Then why would-," the chunin started asking, before the 12 year old cut him off.

"Because. I'm going to be better than all of them. Me. Naruto, the next Hokage. A ninja legend. Then everybody will have to stop DISRESPECTING me, and LOOK UP to me!"

Academy Next Day

"The final exam we'll be on... the clone jutsu. When you hear your name called, please proceed to the next room," Iruka instructed his class.

Scene skip

"Alright Naruto! All you need to do is create 3 identical clones," Iruka explained, really hoping Naruto finally passes, and fulfills his dream of becoming a Ninja.

"Sensei? Can I do a different kind of clone Jutsu?"

"I guess?"

"Shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto exclaimed, putting his hands up in the cross symbol. 3 Solid clones of the blond poofed into existence.

Those are solid clones. He's mastered an extremely advanced jutsu."Great job Naruto, you graduate! Come pick a headband," Iruka congratulated, whilst gesturing to the many headbands that were folded up neatly on the desk.

"Do you have any in black?"

"Yeah, here you go." Iruka handed him a black Konoha headband that was in a drawer to his left.

"Thank you!" Naruto says grabbing the object from Iruka's hand. "Piece of cake," he says to the Fox in his mind. Walking out of the room with the item in his hand, he surprised everyone of his classmates.

"Nice Job Dobe," the raven haired boy, who almost did as well as him on the transformation test said. He was congratulating, but also insulting the blond at the same time. Naruto knew this of course

"I can't believe you passed. But you'll still never be as good as Sasuke," the pinkette declared with a smug look on her face.

"You're right," Naruto replies, with a smirk on his face. "I'm BETTER!"

"What did you say, loser!" Does this guy really think he is as good as him? The boy was an Uchiha? That alone means he's better.

"Wowww! I thought you were cool and level headed. I didn't think you'd be angered so easily." Naruto was clearly mocking the boy. And it was working. Sakura was angry that Naruto made fun of her precious Sasuke. She went to hit him, but he easily dodged, shocking everyone in the room once again, even Sasuke. But he wouldn't show it. "I would appreciate it, if you didn't try to hit me anymore. Thank you, and goodbye."

The only thought going through everybody's head as Naruto left was, is that the same Naruto? Sasuke ran outside after Naruto in a fit of rage. "If you're so much better than me. Then fight me and prove it!"

"Why should I? I don't have to prove myself to you," the blond retorted, continuing to walk away.

Sasuke became even angrier and ran at Naruto to prove him wrong. To show him that he was the best in the class. Everyone came outside to watch Sasuke put Naruto in his place. But what happened next, shocked them to their core. Right as Sasuke was about to punch Naruto in the face, the usually annoyingly happy blond had grabbed Sasuke's Hand, flipped him over his head, and slammed him on the ground. Naruto then grabbed a kunai from his weapons pouch, and held it to Sasuke's throat. He kept it there for a few seconds, then walked away. Leaving everyone wondering, what the heck just happened.