Ch14 ) Chunin Exams: Preliminaries

Sasuke watched as Naruto fell off his body. The blond was practically lifeless. Naruto even began to puke up blood. Everyone witnessed the glow fade from Naruto's skin as his eyes fell shut. The mysterious black markings began to recede from Sasuke's body into the curse mark on the back of his shoulder.

"Sasuke? What have you done!?" Sakura was panicking, thinking her crush had just killed their other teammate.

"I-I-I. I don't know? I don't know what came over me. I was just suddenly filled with this rage. I couldn't control it." Sasuke stared down at his hands. The mark on his back began to pulsate, causing the raven immense pain. He fell down clutching his shoulder.

"Sasuke? What's wrong?" Sakura was really starting to worry about the danger the curse mark posed on the Uchiha.

"It's this damned mark that the snake bastard placed on me. It makes it extremely difficult to be even the least bit active." The torture ceased. "I think I'm okay for the moment. Let's-" he was cut off by the sound of shallow breathing behind him. The group returned their focus back onto the blond Genin. It looked like he was trying to stand up.

A relieved smile showed up on Ino's face. "Naruto. You're alive!"

He ignored her and vanished into thin air. One second later he returned, looking even weaker than before. As if that was even possible. "Sas-Sasuke. Take these." Naruto reached into his pockets and handed the Uchiha both of the necessary scrolls to complete the exam. Plus there were also a few extra ones that he received from his clones.

Sasuke took them from the blonds arm with a shocked expression shown on his face. "Naruto, where did you even get the-" He was cut off once again when Naruto fell to the ground with a thump.

"Naruto! Come on, get up moron!" Ino was furious. "I mean it, Naruto this isn't funny anymore!" Her expression morphed from angry into panic, when the boy didn't react. "Guys we need to get him help right? Like right now!" She'd never seen anyone die before, and she didn't want to believe that that was what was going on with her fellow blond classmate. Even if he could be a real nuisance sometimes. It's not like she hated the boy, or anything. Ino turned to her pineapple haired partner for an idea. "Come on Shikamaru. You're smart. What should we do?"

Ino's question brought the boy out of his shocked stupor. "The tower is only a few miles from here. Our best bet is to bring Naruto there so the medic nin can help him." He turned toward the raven. "Sasuke, will you allow us to take one of your team's spare scrolls?

The boy in question was growing annoyed with the conversation."Yeah whatever. Let's just go already!" The longer they stood talking the less of a chance they had to save Naruto.

Time skip (Chunin Tower)

"There is nobody here," Choji realized. "Now what do we do?"

Shikimaru surveyed the area, confirming Choji's statement. "Well, we might as well open the scrolls."

Sasuke layed Naruto on the ground and the boy's head lulled to the side, Blood was still leaking out of his wound, staining the tile floor. The raven along with his pink haired teammate both took out one of the scrolls and rolled them open onto the floor, in front of the blond.

There was a puff of smoke, and then in its place, Iruka sensei appeared, one foot on each scroll. "Hey guys. I am proud to see you made it this far." He looked around but didn't see his favorite student anywhere. "Say, where is Naruto?"

The question caused everyone else in the room to look down sadly. Sasuke and Sakura stepped apart, revealing the lifeless blond on the ground behind them.

Iruka's countenance immediately changed from happy to fearful, as he ran and knelt down towards the blond. "Naruto!" He turned towards the remaining Genin. "What happened to him."

Sasuke looked overcome with guilt.

"Sasuke why does Naruto have a fatal stab wound in his stomach?"

The boy's only reply was to pull out the blood stained Kunai from his weapons pouch.

Anger took over the Senseis expression. "What did you do!?"

In one of the rarest moments in Sasuke's life, he was actually truly afraid of what someone could do to him. "It was an accident. I swear! There was this guy who had some creepy snake-like qualities. He ambushed us and bit me on the neck." Sasuke pulled down the collar of his shirt, revealing the curse mark to Iruka. "I fell unconscious, and woke up some time later with this ominous power coursing through me. All I remember is being extremely angry and abnormally strong."

Iruka could not see the connection between the two events. "Okay, but how does that explain Naruto's condition?"

"I challenged Naruto to a fight, thinking I was strong enough to fight him now. He refused so I kept coming at him, only to be bested at every turn. He pinned me down eventually, thinking I was satisfied for the time being, and I took that moment to surprise him with a Kunai. I stabbed him through the gut and then he fell off my body. Then we brought him here so he could get help from the medic nin."

Sakura chose this moment to butt in. "But no one was even here. So we decided to see what would happen if we opened the scrolls."

Iruka turned to the other team. "Is this true?"

"Totally, we saw the whole thing," Ino answered "Can you help him sensei?"

"No.," He replied, scaring them, before he continued. "But I know who can." He picked up the blond, carrying him in his arms. As he passed Sasuke, he turned towards the boy. "I'm disappointed with you Sasuke. I never thought you would let your anger drive you to a point where you would willingly harm a comrade."

Sasuke pushed down his guilty feelings for the moment. "What's going to happen? Is he going to be okay?"

"I hope so." With that said Iruka vanished in another puff of smoke, taking Naruto along with him.

An uncomfortable silence came over the group.

"Now, what do we do?" Choji wondered. "Do we just open our scrolls?"

"We might as well." Shikimaru replied. "There's nothing else we could really do at the moment."

Team 10 unraveled their scrolls and Asuma showed up. He explained the message in both the scrolls and informed them of the rooms they can use as temporary living quarters, until the 3rd exam.

Both teams separated and went to their respective rooms to rest and wait for any information concerning Naruto's condition.

Team 7's room

Sasuke laid down in one of the beds while Sakura took a shower and did what she could to fix her hair. Just so it doesn't look too lopsided. "Man. What a day." She spoke to herself in the mirror. "I can't believe Naruto was able to beat Sasuke, even with the added strength of that weird mark." She sighed. "I really should stop doubting him after all this time, seeing what he could do. I guess I'm just stubborn. I didn't want to admit that I was wrong about him the entire time. But I still don't understand why he was faking it. I mean what's the point? Plus, it's not like he will just tell me. Especially now. He's barely even alive for goodness sakes." She slammed her fist into the sink. "Dammit! I hate not knowing anything. Why couldn't it actually have been true. Why couldn't he just be stupid and pathetic like we all thought! If that was the case, this never would have even happened. We probably would have died in Wave if it wasn't an act though, she added as an afterthought." Her mini rant / self realization over with Sakura exited the bathroom. "Sasuke you can take a shower now, if you want.

The Uchiha chose to ignore her, opting to glare up at the ceiling instead. What kind of ego centric asshole tries to murder their only friend to prove his strength. Sasuke was pissed at himself. True to his thoughts he realized Naruto really was his only friend. Yeah he had his fan club. But that was all superficial. They didn't know anything about him, or what it was like to be all alone. Naruto did understand. As much as he hated to admit it, Sasuke began to open up to the boy. Now he's fighting for his life, if he's even alive. Way to go, Teme. Sasuke mused, referring to himself with Naruto's nickname for him. Well old nickname, he realized. Ever since Naruto started acting like his true self, he didn't act out immaturely and call Sasuke names anymore. To be honest, he sort of missed it. It gave him that sense of challenge and rivalry in their friendship. Now Naruto is far above him, and he doesn't feel the need to prove it to anyone. So the rivalry is only one sided now. Stupid, Dobe! Making him act this way. Sasuke got up from the bed and entered the bathroom, without a word to Sakura.

Team 10's room

Ino comes out of the bathroom, readjusting her sleeves. "I hope Naruto's is going to be okay."

Shikimaru glanced at the blonde, from his position on one of the beds. "We all hope he's okay Ino, not just you." The boy pondered something for a moment. "Since when do you care about Naruto anyway?"

Choji was also curious about the new development. "Yeah, didn't you hate him like all the other girls in class?" The boy pulled out a bag of chips,and began stuffing them into his mouth.

"I never hated him," Ino defended. "I just thought he was annoying is all. He's been acting differently ever since we all graduated. So even that may change if the Naruto we know now is the real him."

"Well let's look at the facts." Shikimaru began listing things off on his fingers. "1) The things Naruto says and the way he acts are completely different than the boy we knew in the academy. 2) We've seen him annihilate Sasuke in a fight without breaking a sweat twice now. Once after graduation and then a couple hours ago. 3) He doesn't appear to act out immaturely and irrationally when angered, if the way he dealt with Sasuke was any indication. So I think it's safe to say that the persona of academy Naruto was a fake."

"There was also the time in the first exam room, remember," Choji spoke up, reminding them of when Naruto took care of those sound Genin the day before.

They all thought back to their first encounter with the sound Genin. Just like Choji said, Naruto had dealt with all three of them before anyone could even attempt to do anything. They all could now agree. Without a doubt, the Naruto they knew wasn't real.

4 days later

"The second stage of the Chunin exams is now over," Sarutobi began explaining to the group of contestants, audience members and Chunin proctors and officials. "Unfortunately there are far too many contestants left. So we will have to hold some preliminary matches before we commence with the 3rd exam. We have 21 contestants, so if anyone is willing to give up their spot, that would be quite helpful."

Kabuto shocks the entire arena when he raises his hand. ""I'll do it. I can always try again next year."

"Good. Now we have an even number. There are 20 fighters left. So there will be exactly 10 matches. These battles will determine who moves onto the final exam. Shall we begin. Hayate Sensei! Would you come up here please."

A Jonin with a Senbon in his mouth walked up behind the professor. He looked pale and sickly. and had quite the coughing fit. "Thank you, lord Hokage." He bows to the older man, before coughing once again. "The preliminary matches will commence immediately. Would all of the remaining contestants please make your way up to the balconies, and the computer will choose the lineup for the first match."

The genin did as instructed and waited for the computer to match up the fighters.

"The first match will be between," the proctor began. The computer stopped randomizing. "Sasuke Uchiha, of the leaf village and Youri shiniko, also from the leaf village."

Sasuke left the balcony and headed down the steps toward the arena. Across the way, another leaf Genin who had to be at least 15 with a mask covering his face jumped over the railing and landed In the center of the arena. He was kind of showboating in Sasuke's opinion. But the Uchiha's mind was conflicted by his desire to prove his strength, and thoughts of how Naruto was doing. Last he saw the blonde, the boy was healing albeit slowly. But at least it was something. Kakashi says Naruto should be fine by the end of the second exams five day period. He pushed those thoughts out of his head, and decided to focus on his fight.

"Are both fighters ready." Hayate looked towards both genin. They both nodded. The Jonin made a downward gesture with his hand. "Hajime!"

As soon as the fight began. Sasuke jumped back and activated his Sharingan. Youri rushed forward and aimed a kick towards Sasuke's stomach. Thanks to the Genin's special eyes, the enemy's movements slowed down and became predictable. Sasuke blocked the kick with his arm, and shoved the teen back.

Under his mask Youri smirked. His plan went exactly the way he wanted it to go. Youri kept repeating the process of throwing fakes that Sasuke would block with either his arms or his legs. It was slow at first, but eventually, Sasuke noticed that he no longer had as much energy as he should.

What was happening? He barely had to do anything in this fight so far. Yet his energy levels had dropped significantly.

Youri laughed. "You fell for my little stunt, Uchiha brat." The laugh escalated into a dark chuckle that chilled Sasuke's bones.

"What are you talking about? What stunt?"

"Surely you have noticed it by now," Youri says, mocking the boy. "Or did you not find your sudden lack of strength shocking?"

Sasuke was outraged. "So you are the cause of this!" His Sharingan eyes blazed their dark crimson color. But how did he do it?

"Every time your body made contact with mine, you grew weaker," Youri began, hearing Sasuke's silent question. "The reason for this is simple. Chakra absorption." He smirked under his mask.

What. How did he absorb his chakra? Was it a jutsu? No, there were no hand signs formed. So if it's not a jutsu. Then what could it be?

Seeing the perplexed look on Sasuke's face, Youri decided to explain. "It's quite simple really. Much like the classic chakra control techniques where you focus chakra into certain parts of your body to accomplish a specific task, like standing on water or sticking to trees. However instead of focusing on pushing chakra out of your body, you instead focus on directing the chakra into your body. If done right, it is possible to absorb the impact energy. And as we all know the energy is created from our chakra. This technique is simple yet deadly."

So the longer Sasuke fights him, the more his energy is drained. "Then all I need to do to win is finish you off quickly." Sasuke removed his weights, and in a blur of speed, he appeared behind Youri and kicked him into the air. The raven haired genin vanished again, reappearing behind the now airborne Youri. He restrained his opponent with both arms and brought them spiraling toward the ground. Right before impact, the Uchiha let go of the teen and flipped over so that his feet would land first and not his head.

A huge puff of smoke and debris filled the arena before it cleared, revealing a sweating and panting Sasuke, and an unconscious Youri.

"The winner of the first match is, Sasuke Uchiha," Hayate spared a glance toward the boy, who was struggling to just stay standing.

The curse mark flared, sending Sasuke to his knees with short shallow breaths. The boy reached over and clutched his shoulder where the pain was most prominent. A small whirl of leaves revealed Kakashi Sensei standing behind the boy. Then the sensei vanished with Uchiha alongside him.

Sakura saw the boy vanish between her eyes. "Sasuke!"

"He's okay Sakura," a voice called out from behind her. The rookie 12 all turned around after hearing the familiar voice. It was Naruto standing in the doorway. He had his newer attire that they were still getting used to. The only difference was that instead of a shirt under his jacket, there were only bandages. Other than that he looked perfectly fine. Looking at him you never would have guessed that he almost died 4 days ago.

Ino smiled and ran up to the boy. "Naruto you're okay! You look better than okay actually." She started to barrage the blond with questions about his condition. "How are you feeling? Are you going to be able to fight? Is the wound fully healed?"

He let out a soft chuckle. And tried to ease all their minds. "I'm fine, Ino. In fact, never better." He gave them all a smile. He wanted to bring the attention away from himself, so he decided to tell them about the situation with Uchiha and Kakashi."Anyway, Sasuke just went with Kakashi so they could deal with the curse mark that the snake bastard gave him." He walked up to the railing, glancing at all of the genin. "So what's been going on in my absence?"

"There holding preliminary matches before the third exam," Shikamaru explained. "Apparently there are too many contestants left. So they have to thin us out even more. It's a real drag, you know." If he was honest,Shikimaru really did not care about anything that was going on now. Especially now that he knew Naruto was okay.

Ino scoffed at her lazy teammate. "Everything is a drag to you Shikamaru. "Why did you even become a ninja anyway if all you'd ever like to do is sleep or cloud watch?" She put her hands on her hips and shot him a judgmental stare, not unlike the one his mother usually gives him.

"Simple. I need the money. This was the most financially profitable job I could take on. It's a nuisance, but it pays the bills. That's good enough for me."

At this moment,Naruto changes the topic. "Anyway, Sasuke won his match. So who's up next?"

"Well if you brats would shut up over there!" The proctor glares at them, with an average level of K.I. for a Jonin of his caliber, sending shivers down the kids spines. All except for Naruto. These glares were nothing compared to his childhood. He probably wouldn't ever be afraid like that ever again. He had gotten used to it over the years. Now when people look at him with love or care, that's what makes him feel uncomfortable. He has gotten good at hiding his discomfort over the last month. But people acting that way toward him, as if they actually care about the boy at all, still freaked him out. Hayate stopped glaring at them. "We can continue."

The machine started randomizing again before stopping on two names. "And the matchup is... Shikamaru Nara, of the Leaf Village, and Kin of the sound."

All the following battles are the same as canon:

Kin and Shikamaru

Shino and Zaku

Gaara and Lee

Temari and Tenten

Neji and Hinata

Kankuro and The other guy. (I don't remember his name)

Dosu and Choji.

"Good effort, Tenten." Naruto says to support his friend as she walks back up to the balcony. "If only the matchup wasn't completely in her favor due to her being a wind type. I know you would have easily defeated her." He gave her a huge smile. "After all, you are the best weapons specialist I Know." He shot her his foxy grin and turned back towards the arena, ready for the next match. It was Neji and Hinata, and by the end of it, Naruto wasn't sure whether he wanted to beat Neji to a bloody pulp, or comfort Hinata. He chose neither and watched as the medic nins carried the blunette away on a stretcher.

Once again,the computer stopped randomizing, allowing Hayate to call out the next match."Next up, Sakura Haruno of the Leaf Village. V.S,. Ino Yamanaka of the Leaf Village."

Ino turned toward the other girl, and pumped out her fist, a smug look on her face. "Hah you're so going down, forehead!"

Sakura scoffed at the platinum blonde. "No way. You're going down Ino-Pig."

"Not likely, pinky"

Their bickering was getting on Naruto's nerves. "Would you both just shut up. You two are giving me a freaking headache. Just go down there and fight already." He pulled Sakura to him and whispered lightly in her ear. "Remember Sakura, your earth Jutsu is a perfect shield against attacks. Even spiritual ones." He hoped she would get the hint. It wasn't cheating he was passing information that he had learned onto a fellow ninja.

"Uhm.. Yeah, thanks for the reminder. I guess," Sakura replied before absentmindedly traveling down to the arena.

"Are both fighters ready to begin?" The two girls nodded. "Hajime!"

Right off the bat, Sakura removed her weights and launched a hard punch into Ino's face, easily knocking her back 10 feet. Refusing to relent, the pinkette ran forward and unleashed a chain of punches into Inos side and stomach. The only break Ino got to catch her breath, was after Sakura exhausted most of her energy.

The blonde took this chance to perform her family's special Jutsu. She formed her hands into a triangle aiming at Sakura who was too busy gasping for air to notice. "Ninja art!"

Sakura lifted her head after hearing this. Once she realized what was about to happen, she panicked. She was way too tired to move her body. If Ino was successful, she would force her to forfeit. Suddenly it clicked in her head. The thing her teammate was trying to tell her. She hoped she had enough Chakra left to defend herself.

"Mind Transfer Jutsu!"

Sakura formed the necessary hand signs as fast as she could, before slamming her palm into the stadium floor. "Earth Style: Mud Dome Jutsu."

Ino's spirit jumped out of her body and lunged towards Sakura's. It looked like the pinkette was doomed. But then the dome formed in front of Sakura's head just in time to block the blonde. Her Spirit instead bounced off the dome and up toward the ceiling where it proceeded to bounce around the beams a bit.

Ino's body lay completely still in a kneeled position. The dome disappeared and Hayate began counting down from "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1." He finished counting and turned towards the barely conscious kunoichi. "The winner is Sakura Haruno."

A few minutes later Ino returned to consciousness with the news that she lost the fight. Sakura, being the immature brat that she is, threw it in the blonde girl's face that she lost. She continued to brag about how Ino never had a chance, until Naruto wacked her in the back of the neck, knocking her out.

"No one likes a sore winner, Sakura." He glared at the girl's unconscious form. "Good job Ino. You did your best, and that's all anyone could ask for." He gave her a small smile, and a thumbs up.

"Thanks, Naruto!" The girl returned the smile, before heading back towards her group.

The proctor spoke up again. "The final matchup is, Naruto Uzumaki of the Leaf Village. V.S., Kiba Inazuka of the Leaf Village."

This got Naruto's attention. Time to eggKiba on a little. "Of course I have to fight, Dog Boy."

"What do you mean of course you have to fight me!" Well that was easy.

"No offence. But I wanted a little bit of a challenge. Fighting you will be like a walk in the park." Naruto smirked. "If you know what I mean."

This arose a few snickers of laughter from the rest of the rookie 12, and even Kakashi.

Kiba glared at the blond. "Why you little-"

Shino the boy off. "Kiba, if I may be so bold. If you are so convinced that you will be a tough match, then just go down there and prove it."

"Yeah. I'm going to show you who's the top dog around here!"

"Oh by all means. Please go ahead and be the dog. Just don't go sniffing my butt as you chase it down there." Naruto vanishes in a blur of orange and reappears in the center of the arena.

"Arrgghh! Let's go Akamaru." Kiba jumps over the railing and lands a few feet away from Naruto.

"Are both fighters ready to begin." They nod. "Hajime."

"So you think you're hot stuff huh?" Kiba takes his dog off his head and sets him on the ground.

Naruto flashes his trademark fox grin. "Well, I try."

"Yeah well we will see who's laughing in about thirty seconds."

"Watch, and you'll see. I won't even have to move an inch from this spot."

"Get ready Akamaru. Man beast clone." Akamaru's form changes into Kiba. "Man Beast ultimate taijutsu! Fang Over Fang!" Both Kibas begin spiraling towards Naruto from both sides at breakneck speed. True to his word, Naruto doesn't make any attempt to dodge the attack.

"What is he doing!?" Doesn't he know that if he's hit with that attack it'll be over? Ino continued watching, hoping that Naruto's sanity would return to him at the last moment, and he would try to dodge.

The audience watched, completely enthralled as both Kibas honed in on Naruto's location. A blast of smoke shot out from the Clones as they impacted Naruto. Once it cleared, everyone could see that Naruto was completely unharmed and he still hadn't moved from his spot.

"What the- How the hell are you still just standing there? My jutsu should have destroyed you."

Naruto gets into his thinking pose. "Gee, I don't know." He snapped his fingers, having an idea. "Maybe you should try again. Try to aim this time, okay mutt." Naruto chuckled at the pissed off look on Kiba's face.

Kiba bared his fangs at the blond. "You'll be sorry you ever messed with me Naruto!"

Was that supposed to be a threat? Come on, he'll have to try harder than that. "Oh boy. I quiver with fear."

Kiba attempts to do the same attack once more, and ends up getting the same result.

"What the hell is going on here? I'm sure my attacks are being aimed right at him. Yet he is untouched." Kiba growls with frustration. The dog boy pulls out a small red pill from his pocket and tosses it into his canine partners mouth.

"Oh gee. I am sorry you'll have to resort to your little food pill handicap. At least this way you might be able to actually hit me this time." Naruto continues to goad Kiba. He knows there is more to the genin than meets the eye. The blond was confused as to why Kiba was holding back against him. He thought it was made fairly obvious early on, that nothing but the boys best would be able to possibly challenge Naruto.

"Alright. But remember, you asked for it, Naruto." He turned towards his canine alli. "Akamaru, let's kick it up a notch." He tossed the pup another food pill. Akamaru's form changed from being a small dog to a fully grown beast. Then his fur turned red.

"Sorry, Kakashi. But this is the end for your little golden boy," Kurenai boasted to the silver haired Jonin. "He is just no match for Kiba and Akamarus brutal drill combo.

"Well, we will soon see. I wouldn't count Naruto out so easily though,'' The Jonin replied, actually showing a little enthusiasm for once.

Kiba readied his attack for the third time. Within a second, him and Akamaru blasted off from their positions in the ring. Both of them zeroing in on Naruto's location.

With his head down toward the ground, no one could see the smirk that was displayed on the boy's face. Finally he shows his full power. Sadly, it's still not enough. Right as the pair was about to collide into Naruto, he shot both hands out, taking the full brunt of the impact, stopping them in their tracks. This increased force created a huge shock-wave that blasted throughout the stadium, kicking up a huge cloud of smoke that blurred the action for the audience.

Once the smoke cleared, everyone was bewildered to see Naruto still standing in the center of the ring. The only difference is he was holding both Kiba and Akamaru in the air by their fist and paw. "Now that's what I was looking for," the blond grinned. "Too bad it took so long." He smirked once more at the look of shock on everybody's face, but more particularly the look of utter amazement on Kiba's face. "Well, I think we're done here." The blond started to spin incredibly fast, before letting his captives go flying into the walls on opposite sides of the stadium, The impact being great enough to knock his opponents out cold, leaving mini craters in the walls.

The crowd was silent for the longest time. No one could believe what just happened. He really did just defeat Kiba without moving from the spot, just like he said he would.

"The winner is Naruto Uzumaki."

Sakura, who had woken up, shortly after the fight began and Ino both started cheering from the stands. "Way to go, Naruto!"

"Way to show Kiba who's boss," Choji congratulated.

The Third Hokage appeared in the center of the stadium ready to speak. "With the conclusion of this match, the preliminaries are officially over. You all have a month to train and rest up. In that time we will be sending word of the finals to the neighboring villages. Go and train in whatever way necessary to get your strength up. As you know these exams are to demonstrate the village's military strength. You are all dismissed."

To be continued