Chapter 4

“What, don’t want to show me off to him? Flaunt it a bit?”

“This is the wrong way to romance me, Dom.”

Dom grinned largely. Kiko’s eyes were narrowed; he crossed his arms.

“We could feed each other over the table. I bet it’d be fun to spite him on Valentine’s Day. Don’t tell me you never thought about it.”

“I don’t want to do anything next Saturday but have a normal evening,” said Kiko. “Which should be fine with you, considering how making plans is not your talent.”

“Ouch,” said Dom and went back to his table. He worked a little more quickly now, mind working out how to next tease Kiko about his aversion to a holiday. He was still mulling over whether he should send an actual card through the actual mail when the main door opened and let in a cold burst of winter air for longer than normal.