Chapter 9

The rug, some old piece that looked like it had been shoved in the barn long before Sarah was, laid on the floor like Chad had disturbed it and it had fallen. The teen kicked it gently with a foot, where a length of grey hair spilled forth from the top of the roll, stained with blood. Kiko looked just closely enough to see Sarah’s face and wished he hadn’t.

“Not how I’d get rid of a body,” said Dom.

“Yeah,” said Chad. “It’s better to—”

“We shouldn’t wait here,” said Kiko, trying not to think about how he’d just spoken to Sarah two days ago. He hadn’t known her well and her death wasn’t traumatizing, but there was something sad about seeing anyone like this.

“You, like, okay, boss?” asked Chad as Kiko motioned for the teen to go first. Dom lingered and followed them out last, shutting the door behind them.

“I should be asking you that,” said Kiko. Dom grinned.

“He’s fine. He’s got Roy to check him over for shock later.”