Chapter 57

“I’m packing them up for you now,” he said. He could feel Joe glaring at him.

“It doesn’t matter. He knows too much.”

“I don’t know anything,” said Clark, voice cracking. Kiko shifted to keep them in the corner of his eye as Joe laughed.

“You don’t know why I want the eggs?”

Kiko hoped Chad had the sense to stay quiet about this, Dom, too, but one glance at Dom told him he wasn’t about to say anything, and Chad seemed occupied with the kid.

“No,” said Clark. “Please.”

“Don’t you think they’d make good nest eggs?” asked Joe, forcing Clark in the direction of the eggs.

“D-do you mean they’re worth something? Made by a famous artist, or—”

“Not quite,” said Joe. He seemed to be taking pleasure in revealing everything now. Kiko didn’t think this was a good sign. “She had them sitting up on her shelves, all those years, and she had no idea. She never got rid of any of her collectible shit. I only wanted the eggs.”

“Do you mean Sarah?” asked Dom.