Chapter 8

“I have like sixty thousand favorite songs, huh, Daddy?” Jory asked as they made their way to the playground.

“Far as I can tell,” Mark agreed. “You should probably start a band.”

“How could a kid start a band?”

“Same way anybody does. Get some drums, maybe a horn, a record deal…”

“I don’t know how to play drums.”

“And our neighbors probably aren’t dying for you to start learning. Maybe something a little quieter. Can you play a tambourine?”

“Sure.” He mimed shaking one over his head, slapped his hand against his hip, shimmied his skinny body in a joyous circle around Mark.

“You look like a pro, all right,” Mark assured him. “You could call your band, let’s see…how ‘bout Jory Time? Or maybe TheJory Tellers? Your first record could be called Neverending Jory.”

“‘Neverending?’ So like, every song on it could be really long?”

Mark couldn’t think of a thing that made him happier than when one of these little guys made him laugh out loud.