Riding with him in the elevator up to the roof to marry Starr the first time, Mark’s sister had asked him, “Are you sure about this?”
Mark, who felt like Starr upended a bucket full of awesome over his head every morning, was floored by this question. Which his face must have shown. “I mean, the whole ‘cop’ thing,” Clare hastened to add. “Starr’s an amazing guy, that part I get. And a big part of me wishes Ray had lived to see this.”
“He could never have lived to see his grandson marry a black man,” Mark said, laughing along with her at the idea of horrifying his mother’s rigid and racist father. “That’s an oxymoron—living to see this would have killed him.”
“But what about the whole cop thing?” Clare pressed. “I mean, you work for the police department, you talk to this city full of crazy people every day. You know what goes on out there. Aren’t you worried something’s going to happen to him?”