“And braver than you isn’t possible.”
“Come on.”
“Come on?” Starr sat up straighter. “You got balls, babe. Big ones. It’s the first thing I saw in you.”
“Bull. The first thing you saw was a hot blond dude who works out.”
Starr laughed. “All right, the second thing. There are plenty of people out there who would back down from meeting life on the terms it’s given you.”
“It’s not like I have a choice.”
“The fuck you don’t. You make the choice every day. To get out of bed and be a good man, be a good dad. To get on with being Mark instead of crying about woe is me.”
“What good would that do me?”
“People do it.”
“And plenty of people have it way worse than I do. I’m not a hero, Starr, I’m a guy who got drunk and fell off a balcony.”
“You say po-tay-to…” Starr teased.