I elbowed him gently. “You’ll learn your way around, kid. I felt the same way when we moved here.”
His eyebrows rose. “I figured you must’ve been born here.”
“Nope. My dad relocated when I was a hell of a lot younger than you. Better job, bigger house, all that crap. Took me a while to get my feet under me, but I was a kid and I was royally pissed off at Dear Old Father for jerking me out of my old life.”
“Where’d you live before here?”
“Why are we talking about my childhood? What do you want to see tomorrow? I could show you some of the spots only the locals know about.”
He stopped walking. “No, I’m serious. You must have really missed your old friends. Did you keep in touch? Are your parents still around?”
I crossed my arms and gave the kid one of my better glares. “What are you, Dr. Phil?”