The bidding actually started higher than I’d imagined it would. I saw movement out of the corner of my eyes, and glanced over to see J.T.’s hand in the air. What the hell? I gave him a glare. I thought his cheeks might have reddened, but it was hard to tell past the spots. I kept a surreptitious eye on the kid as the bidding increased, and pretty soon his shoulders slumped and he shoved his hands into his pockets. He hadn’t realized how much money these folks like to toss around at these charity affairs. I wasn’t entirely certain how I felt about that little play, either. What would make the kid think he needed to buy a date with me—and why would he even want to? I tried to determine how his boyfriend might feel about that, but I couldn’t see enough of Luis’ face to read it. I’d have to get to the bottom of this once the evening was over.