Chapter 57

After the expected groans, we found a free table in one corner. John cleared his throat once more. “That’s a great Zorro,” he said. “Where’d you get the boots?”

“I am happy you like my wardrobe, se?or. These boots were made for me by a craftsman here in the village of Los Angeles. I admire your costume as well.”

John started when Luis reached out to run one hand over his hairy chest.

“I have always been attracted to what you Anglos call ‘bears,’” Luis murmured. “So much hair, so very macho.”

“I…er…” John was his usual sparkling conversational self. I swear, if I wasn’t around to be his wingman, the fellow would get no action whatsoever. I dug an elbow into his ribs and he nearly dropped his Cuba Libre. He ducked his head and mumbled something.

“If you were talking to us, pal,” I said, “nobody could hear you. If you’re talking to your mustache, wait until you two are alone together.”