Chapter 10

“I want this to be handled consistently. If I begin and can’t continue because of the cancer, it could jeopardize her case. Mrs. Grady deserves the best care we can provide. I can’t guarantee that with my situation.”

Sharpe narrowed his eyes, and his fingers formed a steeple as he thought. “I can only imagine how you must feel with this diagnosis. You’re presently healthy and still able to pursue this case. I can’t take something you agreed to do free of charge and assign it to another member of the firm. What about all the other cases you have on your books? You can’t abandon them, and you can’t shove them off on others. We all have a full load. I’m sorry, Russell, but you’ll have to do this. If you became ill to the point where you can’t continue, I will personally take over. But, only if it gets to that point.”