Mary greeted the two older children with open arms and she demanded and was given the opportunity to hug and gush over the baby. Trevor managed to pry the tot from her reluctant arms and took him for his exam. Mary led the other two into her office.
She had a strong hunch that, given Cody’s and Maria’s histories, they were afraid of losing someone who was family. It would be hard for anyone who’d never lived through loss or abandonment to fully grasp how intense that feeling would be for the pair. They both knew and understood each other because of that bond. Call it instinct, but Mary had no doubt these two would go to any length to protect their brother.
Fate apparently liked to do things in its own way. Once the appointment ended, two young people full of renewed energy and a sense of security bounded from Mary’s office. Peter was sitting with Timmy on his lap while Russell sat beside them thumbing through a magazine.