Chapter 6

“How long have you lived here?” I asked, watching him pour water into the kettle and place it on the stove.

“Oh, uh, five years, maybe? I moved in right after I completed my Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics at UGA. I had promised myself a house if I made it all the way through the program. So here I am.”

As soon as the water started boiling, Jeremy turned off the stove and poured out two cups for both of us. He pulled out a box with a variety of tea bags from another cabinet and placed everything on the table along with honey and sugar, then took a seat.

I chose mint and added honey to my tea. “Wow, that’s really cool. Do you teach at Georgia Tech?” I asked, blowing on the hot liquid and taking a sip.

Choosing a teabag for himself, he said, “No, I actually teach at Atlanta Metropolitan State College. I like it. The students vary in age and come from different walks of life. Keeps things interesting.”