Chapter 11

Suddenly, Jeremy pulled over on a side street near Tenth and put the car in park, turning off the engine. He pushed his seat back as far as it would go and then leaned back. Abruptly, he shoved his right hand into my hair and used his left to move my hand off his dick and grab hold of the base. He shoved my head down on his cock.

“No more teasing. Suck me off now, damn it! Make it good.” He was so masterful. I loved that in a man!

Without further ado, I held his dick steady with one hand while I took his length in my mouth and went all the way down to his dark red pubic hair, setting up a back and forth motion and sucking for all I was worth. I used my other hand to fondle his balls, swallowing against the spongy tip of his cock anytime it hit the back of my throat. He jerked uncontrollably whenever I did that.