Chapter 44

Turning to glare at her, he retorted, “That’s enough out of you. Why don’t the three of you set the table, please? I’ll be in to deal with the turkey in a moment.”

Exchanging glances and giggling, the sisters left the room.

“Sorry about that.”

Chuckling, Lynn hugged him and said, “It’s okay. I think I’m going to love your sisters. I was an only child, remember? So this will be an adventure.” Lynn raised his head for a kiss, and Duncan lowered his lips for a taste.

“Oooooh, Dunc’s kissing Lynn! Everybody, come look!” Circe squealed, peaking around the kitchen door.

Laughing into each other’s mouths, Duncan and Lynn turned to face their voyeurs and saw three imps staring at them with not-so-innocent smiles on their faces.

“Is the table set, ladies?” Duncan asked, taking Lynn’s hand and leading him to the kitchen.

“Yup, all done. Right this way, good sir.” Christy bowed and pulled out a chair for Lynn, seating him at the table.