Chapter 12

Then I asked her, “What do I do about him breaking into my Tudor?”

“You have a security system, right?”

I did, but had never used it. Shame on me. I nodded.

Gloria took another sip of her drink, satisfied with being a drunk, happy in life. “Start using it. That’s what it’s there for. If Miller decides to break into your house again, the police will show up and arrest him.” She finished off her drink, instructed our waitress for another one, and told me, “As for Miller, I have a little plan that might just help you out.”

“What kind of plan?”

She leaned across the table and whispered, “Do you remember Bobby Carlton?”

“The detective you hired to have your husband followed so you could learn Leonard was cheating on you?”

Gloria grinned, almost three sheets to the wind. “You have a very good memory.”

“I give it my best.”

“What would you say if I hired Carlton to do a little prying for us?”

“As in learn things about Miller you and I really shouldn’t know?”