Chapter 20

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Following my private meeting with the private dick, I balked at the thought of doing a ranch walk-through and appraising the three-bedroom home to sell in the small Pittsburgh suburb of Landerly. The romance writers, Todd and Melissa Candice, also known as the power couple, Tommi Candy, both of whom were in their early thirties, had landed a once-in-a lifetime multimillion dollar contract with the publishing phenomenon Random House. The authoring couple had been paid to write three sultry romance novels within the next four years. Movie rights in Hollywood were already in the works

Long story short, think of the success story of E. L. James and her Fifty Shades of Gray. Todd and Melissa were moving out of Landerly and purchasing a palatial beast of a home with seventeen acres near Lake Erie, east of a small town called Templeton. Through word of mouth, they chose me to sell their city home, not that they needed the money.