He gently placed a kiss to my neck. “I’ll keep you warm anytime you need me to.”
Being next to him and walking to his vehicle, spending quality time with the man, shoulders rubbing together, his arm wrapped around my side, his breath against the splay of my neck as he kissed me, couldn’t have been any better for me. Not in the least. Never. I felt safe next to him, unharmed from a world filled with so many haters. I felt loved by his side, cared for, like a silly Taylor Swift song, younger and passionate for him. Worth something. His for the taking. However he wanted me. Whenever he wanted me.
He didwant me. I knew that. He knew that. I sensed both of us wanted to be together that night. As one. Just us. He confirmed as much when we stood by his Hummer, ready to go back to his place or mine.
“The Robin Hood Bar isn’t far from here. Two blocks. No more. We can walk there and have a drink if you’d like. What do you say?”