Tina sounded thrilled to hear from me, as always, unaffected by Jax’s whereabouts, unconcerned, and possibly chalking it up as: I’m sure he’s gone on a little business trip with one of his clients. Sometimes he goes on weekend adventures with his company’s brokers. He’s taking some time off. I’m sure he went gambling in Niagara Falls. He’s been known to vanish for a few days on end, enjoying Canada and Buffalo. I think he has a relative up there and…
“Tina,” I hurriedly said. “The folder Jax came into the office and took yesterday morning. What file was it?”
Quiet meshed between us. Overwhelming silence. I pictured her looking through a paper pad with her fancy script, reviewing her notes. Protocol at the office entailed Tina pulling files for the realtors, including Jax. Every client folder was signed out by Tina like a library book. All files were kept on record because the information inside the files were confidential and held important details of client’s private lives.