After a tortuous ride, the carriage came to a halt and the coachman opened the door. Beyta alighted, sweeping her way into the mansion with her soldiers carrying Cillian after her. Inside the huge cottage, Beyta shouted orders to her maids, manservants, and valets, commanding them to give Cillian a bath and clean clothes.
They took him to a small chamber and told him to undress. They helped him into a large tub, filling it with hot water. A maid added bath salts and scented oils to the tub, filling the room with a sweet fragrance. The heat stung the wounds on his back which were still open and he gasped at the pain. The manservant, who seemed to be in charge of the rest, seemed to note his discomfort and called for a cup of ale. A goblet was shoved into his hand and he took a sip of the sweet liquid, more delicious than he had ever tasted. The ale ran down his throat and aches seemed to fade away. While he soaked, a servant cut his unruly locks and trimmed his beard and mustache.