Casper was a six foot four African American man who’d played high school football. Like Darrell, Casper hadn’t come out as gay until college. Though they’d been friendly, they’d never had enough in common to become a couple and had eventually decided they were better off being friends sans benefits.
Up until the idea came to Darrell for the harbor cruise he hadn’t actually seen Casper for several months.
Darrell noticed immediately the way Casper’s gaze swept over Travis with obvious interest. His gut twisted. He hadn’t given much thought to Casper being attracted to Travis. He guessed he should have because the man was gorgeous.
“Hey, Darrell, how are you doing?” Casper smiled and patted Darrell playfully on the shoulder. “This must be Travis. Darrell spoke very highly of you, Travis. I’m Casper.”
“Nice to meet you.” Travis shook his hand.