Of course, the thought of going home to his empty house did not exactly thrill him.
The door to his office opened and Travis looked in. “I thought you were still here.”
“I am, but I’m surprised to see you. Darrell put up with that?”
Travis laughed. “As long as I don’t make a habit of it, he’s okay with it. But, he went home hours ago. I have a case going to trial in the morning so I had some prep. I’m heading out now.” He leaned against the doorframe. “Back to your old ways?”
Mark sighed. “I guess. Doesn’t seem to be a reason not to.”
“It didn’t work out with Drew?”
He shook his head. “He broke up with me.”
“I’m sorry. Want to talk about it?”
“It was the dating thing. Drew viewed the Dodgers game as a date. I guess I didn’t think of it that way, but as it turned out he was right.”