“You…baked?” Blake’s voice was full of awe.
“Sure did.” Derek nodded and let his smile grow, pleased with Blake’s reaction. Cookies were a sure way to show a person they were cared for, and Derek had every intention of showing Blake exactly that in any way he could. It was the only way their partnership could work. “You could have a couple now, if you wanted. The soup needs some more time. I didn’t really get it going until I heard you up and moving around. Didn’t want it to sit too long or else the risotto gets too sticky.”
Blake pulled out the chair, took two wobbly steps around it, and sat down hard. He rubbed his face vigorously with both hands and took a deep breath. Derek watched as he centered himself, worked through whatever was going on in his head, and then smiled.
“I’d love some, if you don’t mind.”